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Гэр> Програм


Automobile manufacturing welding workshop emits welding fumes and intense arc light due to spot welding and carbon dioxide welding. Precision requirements of car body assembly lead to generation of grinding dust. Smoke and dust pollution in the workshop poses occupational health risks. Current practices concentrate welding and grinding in specific areas with purification treatments to reduce harmful substances and improve the working environment.

дахь сорилтууд Гагнуур үйл явц

DUCO автомат гагнуурын шийдэл

The project employs хамтран ажилладаг роботууд and low-noise vacuuming equipment for car interior cleaning. Two GCR-14 robots with vacuum cleaner attachments are stationed on each side of the production line. They follow a predetermined path to clean the interior and trunk, exiting afterward for the production line to proceed.

Үр ашиг, тогтвортой байдал сайжирсан

The configuration of the DUCO кобот decreased the production cycle time from 62 to 50 seconds, facilitating future upgrades in the production line.

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ROI өндөр

Хамтарсан роботуудыг ашигласнаар энэ албан тушаалд ажилд авах сорилтыг үр дүнтэй шийдэж, 16 сарын ROI-д хүрсэн.

Холбоотой үйлдвэрүүд


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DUCO Robots CO., LTD.

Манай мэргэжилтэнтэй ярилц